I also asked around if there is any incentive to script for them, like SRL Membership or anything. The bot itself seems pretty promising but I've tested a variety of scripts there and all of them (except by the one person) have completely disappointed me. I assume most of the scripts there will lead to very fast bans, which is unfortunate. Running around when fighting because the script doesn't account for moving to an NPC and goes "well no combat time to click wildly trying to click another NPC while running" is also very bad. Getting stuck on the collect box for hours because it misclicked on the bank text to deposit is a pretty big deal. They also have text choosing problems and no failsafes in a lot of the scripts. We're not talking about moving NPCs either we're talking about trees and rocks. I'm not sure if it's reflection or the way they're written but in OSRS I notice a LOT of misclicks.

The "big" scripts are all written by the same guy (Aiden I think?) and they're relatively stable and they're an exception to the 'suckyness' of the other scripts. However, most of the scripts (they call them bots) are poorly written and IMO are not very good at all. The fact that a lot of scripts work for RS3 and OSRS in a single script is kinda neat. The bot itself is very sleek and well made IMO. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support.I've tried a few scripts.
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